Quotes and Sayings by Author Name: R, page 2
Below is page 2 of quote, saying, remark and thought authors whose names start with R.
- Bobby Robson Quotes, Sayings, Remarks and Thoughts
- Bobby Rush Quotes, Sayings, Remarks and Thoughts
- Bonnie Raitt Quotes, Sayings, Remarks and Thoughts
- Boyd Rice Quotes, Sayings, Remarks and Thoughts
- Boyle Roche Quotes, Sayings, Remarks and Thoughts
- Brad Renfro Quotes, Sayings, Remarks and Thoughts
- Branch Rickey Quotes, Sayings, Remarks and Thoughts
- Brande Roderick Quotes, Sayings, Remarks and Thoughts
- Brandon Routh Quotes, Sayings, Remarks and Thoughts
- Brian Roberts Quotes, Sayings, Remarks and Thoughts
- Bridget Riley Quotes, Sayings, Remarks and Thoughts
- Brooks Robinson Quotes, Sayings, Remarks and Thoughts
- Bruno Rossi Quotes, Sayings, Remarks and Thoughts
- Bryan Robson Quotes, Sayings, Remarks and Thoughts
- Buddy Rice Quotes, Sayings, Remarks and Thoughts
- Buddy Rich Quotes, Sayings, Remarks and Thoughts
- Burt Reynolds Quotes, Sayings, Remarks and Thoughts
- Burt Rutan Quotes, Sayings, Remarks and Thoughts
- Burton Rascoe Quotes, Sayings, Remarks and Thoughts
- Burton Richardson Quotes, Sayings, Remarks and Thoughts
- Burton Richter Quotes, Sayings, Remarks and Thoughts
- Busta Rhymes Quotes, Sayings, Remarks and Thoughts
- Caesar Rodney Quotes, Sayings, Remarks and Thoughts
- Cardinal De Retz Quotes, Sayings, Remarks and Thoughts
- Cardinal Richelieu Quotes, Sayings, Remarks and Thoughts
- Carl Rakosi Quotes, Sayings, Remarks and Thoughts
- Carl Reiner Quotes, Sayings, Remarks and Thoughts
- Carl Rogers Quotes, Sayings, Remarks and Thoughts
- Carl T. Rowan Quotes, Sayings, Remarks and Thoughts
- Carlos P. Romulo Quotes, Sayings, Remarks and Thoughts
- Caroline Rhea Quotes, Sayings, Remarks and Thoughts
- Cathy Rigby Quotes, Sayings, Remarks and Thoughts
- Cavett Robert Quotes, Sayings, Remarks and Thoughts
- Cecil Rhodes Quotes, Sayings, Remarks and Thoughts
- Cesar Romero Quotes, Sayings, Remarks and Thoughts
- Charles Francis Richter Quotes, Sayings, Remarks and Thoughts
- Charles M. Russell Quotes, Sayings, Remarks and Thoughts
- Charles Marion Russell Quotes, Sayings, Remarks and Thoughts
- Charles Nelson Reilly Quotes, Sayings, Remarks and Thoughts
- Charles Rangel Quotes, Sayings, Remarks and Thoughts
- Charles Reade Quotes, Sayings, Remarks and Thoughts
- Charles Revson Quotes, Sayings, Remarks and Thoughts
- Charles Reznikoff Quotes, Sayings, Remarks and Thoughts
- Charles Richards Quotes, Sayings, Remarks and Thoughts
- Charles Richet Quotes, Sayings, Remarks and Thoughts
- Charles Richter Quotes, Sayings, Remarks and Thoughts
- Charles Rosen Quotes, Sayings, Remarks and Thoughts
- Charles Ruff Quotes, Sayings, Remarks and Thoughts
- Charles T. Russell Quotes, Sayings, Remarks and Thoughts
- Charley Reese Quotes, Sayings, Remarks and Thoughts
- Charlie Rich Quotes, Sayings, Remarks and Thoughts
- Charlotte Rae Quotes, Sayings, Remarks and Thoughts
- Charlotte Rampling Quotes, Sayings, Remarks and Thoughts
- Charlotte Ross Quotes, Sayings, Remarks and Thoughts
- Chi Chi Rodriguez Quotes, Sayings, Remarks and Thoughts
- Chita Rivera Quotes, Sayings, Remarks and Thoughts
- Chris Robinson Quotes, Sayings, Remarks and Thoughts
- Chris Rock Quotes, Sayings, Remarks and Thoughts
- Christina G. Rossetti Quotes, Sayings, Remarks and Thoughts
- Christina Ricci Quotes, Sayings, Remarks and Thoughts
- Christina Romer Quotes, Sayings, Remarks and Thoughts
- Christina Rossetti Quotes, Sayings, Remarks and Thoughts
- Christopher Reeve Quotes, Sayings, Remarks and Thoughts
- Christopher Ricks Quotes, Sayings, Remarks and Thoughts
- Christy Romano Quotes, Sayings, Remarks and Thoughts
- Chuck Robb Quotes, Sayings, Remarks and Thoughts
- Claudio Reyna Quotes, Sayings, Remarks and Thoughts
- Clayton Rawson Quotes, Sayings, Remarks and Thoughts
- Cliff Richard Quotes, Sayings, Remarks and Thoughts
- Cokie Roberts Quotes, Sayings, Remarks and Thoughts
- Condoleezza Rice Quotes, Sayings, Remarks and Thoughts
- Constance Rourke Quotes, Sayings, Remarks and Thoughts
- Craig Raine Quotes, Sayings, Remarks and Thoughts
- Cristiano Ronaldo Quotes, Sayings, Remarks and Thoughts
- Damon Runyon Quotes, Sayings, Remarks and Thoughts
- Dan Rather Quotes, Sayings, Remarks and Thoughts
- Dana Rohrabacher Quotes, Sayings, Remarks and Thoughts
- Daniel Radcliffe Quotes, Sayings, Remarks and Thoughts
- Dante G. Rossetti Quotes, Sayings, Remarks and Thoughts
- Daphne Rae Quotes, Sayings, Remarks and Thoughts